Quantum physics beyond remembrances – reframing quantum mechanics
[Draft 8-26-2024]
As working title for possible book: Quantum physics beyond remembrances …

So, this is a story, a tale of discovery … an ongoing quest. And a visualization of quantum physics, a field theory, beyond legacy quantum mechanics or early quantum electrodynamics.
The frozen tropes (remembrances) of quantum mechanics can be demystified by:
- leaving behind the notion of quanta as point particles, quanta which morph between being particles and waves.
- reframing quanta as unified, spatially extended wavepackets, quanta which are superpositions of multiple wave forms.
- distinguishing between “free” and “bound” (confined) quanta, especially when we “measure” (denote) quantum states or interactions, or characterize quantum systems.
There’s an everyday notion which remains embedded (to various degrees) in quantum physics: identical things have identical, intrinsic properties when measured anywhere – independent of context. But wavepackets contradict this notion [1].
Relational quantum physics is based on universal, ubiquitous superposition & entanglement. Our everyday world emerges from the interplay of superposition and entanglement within a multilayered superconducting Grid (Wilczek).
Table of contents
More fluid, less luggage
- Evolution of quantum physics
- Myths, models, math
The Grid (Wilczek)
- Quantum layers and fields
- Energy bundles
- Spacetime
- Point particles R.I.P.
- Reframing uncertainty
Recasting our language
- Quanta interact, not collide.
- “Collision” is a heuristic model of interactions.
[1] As well as the notion that “identical conditions lead to identical results.”
Before 1900, scientists thought identical conditions led to identical results. Well, they don’t. Nature contradicts this plausible principle predicted by “classical physics” throughout the period 1650 to 1900, according to which the universe is precisely predictable the way an accurate clock is predictable. – Hobson, Art. Tales of the Quantum: Understanding Physics’ Most Fundamental Theory (p. 2). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.