[Communicating science series]
Today my post celebrates another science communicator, Fraser Cain, and his YouTube channel by the same name. This week, I noticed his video “Two Supermassive Black Holes Orbiting Each Other. Stephen Hawking Was Right!” (May 11, 2020). Well-done visualization.
How astronomers discovered this incredible interaction took careful observations, imagination, and the hard work of the Spitzer Space Telescope, taken during its final years of operation.
His channel description says:
Space and astronomy news from Fraser Cain, publisher of Universe Today and co-host of Astronomy Cast.
If you’re a fan of space, sci-fi and pop culture, you’ll love our Guide to Space. These short videos come out every Monday and Thursday and answer a burning question that astronomy fans want to know. We talk about black holes, galaxies, the Universe, and the search for aliens.
Cain teamed up with a science teacher for the book The Universe Today Ultimate Guide to Viewing the Cosmos: Everything You Need to Know to Become an Amateur Astronomer (published October 23, 2018), a resource for viewing the Night Sky.
David Dickinson is an Earth science teacher, freelance science writer, retired USAF veteran and backyard astronomer. He currently writes and ponders the universe as he travels the world with his wife.
Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He’s also the co-host of Astronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay. He lives in Courtenay, British Columbia.
Wiki: Binary black hole (BBH).
And here’re some more questions about black hole systems.
So, most, if not all, black holes spin; and around them are spinning accretion disks of matter which feed those black holes. How fast is the spin in each case?
Or, how fast can matter fall into a black hole? That’s the question addressed in this article (below). The geometric alignment of a black hole system is important.
Royal Astronomical Society > “Matter falling into a black hole at 30 percent of the speed of light” (2018).
A UK team of astronomers report the first detection of matter falling into a black hole at 30% of the speed of light, located in the centre of the billion-light year distant galaxy PG211+143. The team, led by Professor Ken Pounds of the University of Leicester, used data from the European Space Agency’s X-ray observatory XMM-Newton to observe the black hole. Their results appear in a new paper in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Until now it has been unclear how misaligned rotation might affect the in-fall of gas. This is particularly relevant to the feeding of supermassive black holes since matter (interstellar gas clouds or even isolated stars) can fall in from any direction.
YouTube > Uni of Leicester > “Computer simulation predicts matter plunging into a black hole at extreme velocity” (Sep 17, 2018).
X-rays are so cool, eh.
A “hydrodynamical backflow model” explains the “double boomerang” shape of a galaxy containing an active supermassive black hole.
Live Science > “The sky is full of weird X-shaped galaxies. Here’s why.” by Brandon Specktor – Senior Writer (May 13, 2020).
Light can escape from a black hole’s accretion disk, but the dynamics of such disks is complex. More clues from X-ray astronomy.
Live Science > “Black hole bends escaping light ‘like a boomerang’” by Mindy Weisberger – Senior Writer (April 24, 2020).
Regarding how fast black holes spin, I was reminded of this 2019 Forbes article by Ethan Siegel.
Forbes > “This Is Why Black Holes Must Spin At Almost The Speed Of Light” (August 1, 2019).
Siegel discusses a model of collapse which conserves angular momentum as the star explosively contracts to a remnant of its original size. He illustrates the physics using the typical example of a figure skater pulling their arms in to increase spin speed. (Trying this in my swivel chair also demonstrates the principle, but makes me sick. As well as reducing rotational rate by starting with my arms in and then stretching out.)
Making that assumption provides a ready solution for how fast a black hole spins. Such an assumption makes sense in that we’re talking about gravitational collapse – radially directed collapse (even if not exactly symmetric). No explosions (ejections) act like spin dampening thrusters on a spacecraft.
Regardless, a simple model of conservation of angular momentum matches our observations of pulse periods of pulsars and radiation speeds from accretion flows around black holes.
Here’s another interesting article which discusses the dynamics of accretion disks.
Live Science > “How close can you get to a black hole?” by Paul Sutter (May 27, 2020).
A natural question about black holes: What happens to matter that falls into the center of the hole?
In excerpts from his latest book [1], Carlo Rovelli is honest about the mystery – not knowing the answer (per se), but nevertheless posits an answer.
I find his (imagined) characterization interesting because it offers continuity in fluid dynamics (including shock waves) rather than a spin into higher dimensions. It retains an effective reality with a scale beyond our everyday notion of time.
• New Scientist > “Where does the stuff that falls into a black hole go?” by Carlo Rovelli (28 October 2020) – What happens to matter in a black hole? The question has spawned many paradoxes, and in an extract from his latest book, physics superstar Carlo Rovelli proposes an answer.
[1] There Are Places In The World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness (November 5, 2020).
Research continues not only on more detailed imaging of black holes but also the physics of warped light around event horizons.
A recent simulation modeled looping of light around black holes and confirmed the mathematics for the repetitive distance of successive (and flatter) images to the edge of the black hole – “opening up potential new ways to test Einstein’s theory of general relativity.”
• Space.com > “Black holes warp the universe into a grotesque hall of mirrors” by Paul Sutter (July 28, 2021)
More research on the supermassive black hole M87.
• Newsweek > “Mystery of Black Hole’s Powerful Near-Light-Speed Jets May Be Solved” by Robert Lea (11/05/2021)
A particularly dramatic example of galactic plasma dynamics.
• Space.com > “Astronomers have detected one of the biggest black hole jets in the sky” by Western Sydney University: Luke Barnes, Miroslav Filipovic, Ray Norris, Velibor Velović (August 30, 2022)
Credit: Black hole as plasma jet engine by John Healy from Wiki
Regarding the dynamics of accretion disks …
Here’s an article about research published October 11 in The Astrophysical Journal. An international team used multi-wavelength radio and visible light astronomy to study a black hole event. After an unusually a long delay, a black hole ejected prior ingested material at about half the speed of light!
• Space.com > “Black hole is ‘burping out’ a ‘spaghettified’ star it devoured years ago” by Robert Lea (October 14, 2022)
Where black holes tango, there be gravitational waves (cf. “There be dragons”) …
As noted in my original 2020 post (Fraser Cain’s video), this finding was made years ago: Research on a far, far away dot – OJ 287, a supermassive quasar – concluded it’s actually two, two black holes in one galactic heart (cf. “Two, two, two mints in one!“).
This article (below) discusses results from a 2021/2022 astronomical observational campaign which obtained direct evidence of the secondary black hole’s dynamics.
• Space.com > “Brilliant gamma-ray flare 100 times brighter than our entire galaxy reveals 1 monster black hole is actually 2” by Robert Lea (June 12, 2023) – The second supermassive black hole is causing blasts of energy as it dives through a disk of blisteringly hot gas.
Artistic illustration of OJ 287 as a binary black hole system. (Image credit: AAS 2018)
Black hole mergers produce detectible gravitational-wave “chirps.”
Here’s an interesting overview of formation of black holes, detection of collisions (mergers), and modeling the expansion of the universe.
• Space.com > “Gravitational waves show black holes prefer certain masses before they collide” by Keith Cooper published (August 14, 2023) – A preference for “universal masses” 9 and 16 times the mass of our Sun have been identified in the gravitational-wave events detected so far.